Please share you New Year plans

Please share you New Year plans

عدد الردود: 23
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ตอบ: Please share you New Year plans

بواسطة - อ.วรเวทย์พิสิษ ยศศิริ
1. I will be spending time with family.
2. I will go out and have a great time with friends.
3. After I spend time on a long holiday, I will be back to work.
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ตอบ: Please share you New Year plans

بواسطة - มุสตากีม เจะเต๊ะ
Nowadays, I work at school on Monday to Friday and study master degree on Saturday and Sunday. I feel so tired. So, I want to take a rest and spend time with my family on New Year day.

While I am taking a rest, I want to watch Korean dramas that I haven’t watched before and hang out with my friends.