Section outline

    • Week 1 Discussion Questions

      How has globalization impacted language diversity in the 21st century? Are languages becoming more similar or are new languages emerging?

      What are some new trends in sociolinguistics that are shaping our understanding of language variation and change today?

       How has technology influenced language studies? How do researchers use technology to analyze and document languages?

       How has the study of endangered and indigenous languages progressed in the 21st century? What efforts are being made to preserve and revive these languages?

       What role does linguistics play in addressing language-related issues like discrimination and language policies?

       How do linguists study the relationship between language and cognition today? What have we learned about how language influences our thinking processes?

       How has computational linguistics advanced in the 21st century? What are the practical applications and consequences of natural language processing and machine translation?

       How do researchers explore the connection between language and culture today? What insights have we gained into how language shapes cultural identity and vice versa?

       What are the main debates and controversies in psycholinguistics today? How do researchers investigate topics like language acquisition and processing?

       How do linguists tackle the challenges of studying non-standard language varieties, such as dialects and pidgins, today? What methods and approaches do they use to analyze these linguistic phenomena?